Poetry. Bilingual Edition. Translated from the Lithuanian by Vyt Bakaitis. "Keleras comes across as resourceful and dazzling an Odyssean explorer as Baudelaire insisted on for the poet's quest, with stamina to match. One intention evident in his published work is a concern to uncover an abiding significance from passing events. Simultaneously probing for a common basis in actual close-up and in light of eternity, his poems may be said to be lucid snapshots developed in a subtle amalgam of memory and intuition, each successful scan being particularly effective in restoring remnants of dislocated memory to a dreamlike authenticity"--Vyt Bakaitis
Connettivo per la promozione della Poesia in azione ideale con il manifesto di Antonio Leonardo Verri
Connettivo per la promozione della Poesia in azione ideale con il manifesto di Antonio Leonardo Verri
lunedì 17 febbraio 2025
The Chapbook: poesie di Charles Bane Jr.
domenica 16 febbraio 2025
The Village on Horseback: Prose and Verse, 2003-2008 by Jesse Ball
From the author of A Cure for Suicide and Census comes a philosophical recasting of myth and legend, folklore and popular culture: a fabulist’s compendium of poetry and prose.
Jesse Ball—long-listed for the National Book Award, a finalist for the New York Public Library’s Young Lions Fiction Award, and named one of Granta’s best young American novelists—is one of the most interesting, lyrical, fanciful, and “disturbingly original” (Chicago Tribune) writers working today. And The Village on Horseback is one of his most dazzling and varied works. These experimental pieces—including the Paris Review’s Plimpton Prize–winning novella “The Early Deaths of Lubeck, Brennan, Harp & Carr”—ask the reader not to imagine the world for what it is, but for what it could be: a blank tableau on which a spirited imagination can conjure tales out of, seemingly, nothing.
The Village on Horseback is an unmissable treat, a book of voyages to be taken on journeys far and wide
Selected Poems (Penguin Poets) by John Ashbery
sabato 15 febbraio 2025
Martín and Meditations on the South Valley: Poems by Jimmy Santiago Baca
Fiercely moving, the two long narrative poems of Martín & Meditations on the South Valley revolve around the semi-autobiographical figure of Martin, a mestizo or "detribalized Apache."
Made Flesh by Craig Arnold
"Few... could have predicted the delayed depth-charge of this explosive second book, motored by vividly earthly language and disguised philosophical sophistication." —Publishers Weekly, starred review
"Throughout Made Flesh, one of the most powerful poetry books this year, Arnold gets at both the contradictions and timelessness of love." —Time Out New York
"The readers delighted with (Arnold's) first book (Shells) will be differently enchanted with these. They contain a wealth of contemplation as well as observation and experience. Their unpunctuated free style carries the reader into the poems, piling up events and details in a breathless rush....The poems of Made Flesh are unforgettable, and it is tragic that readers will have no new books from Craig Arnold."—Magill Book Reviews
A girl wakes up to find out just how completely her lover has possessed her. A couple realizes they’ve been trapped inside an ancient myth. A traveler glances out through a train window and catches the dim reflection of another world.
This is the world of Made Flesh, the long-awaited second book by Craig Arnold, a finalist for the Utah Book Award and the High Plains book award. Made Flesh delineates a new mythology of what it means to be in the body. Marrying narrative precision to lyric ecstasy, the archaic to the avant-garde, these poems celebrate the fragility of our very selves and “the joy of self-forgetting,” the acts of surrender that loves asks of us. Fierce, exuberant, and erotic, they invite the reader to share a rare and startling vision: how, if we would only permit ourselves to be drawn out of our mental privacies, out to the very surface of our skin, we might admit the beauty of being for a moment in the world, and with each other.
Craig Arnold is the author of Shells, a Yale Series of Younger Poets selection chosen by W.S. Merwin. He taught at the University of Wyoming in Laramie. In late April 2009, Craig Arnold went missing on the Japanese island of Kuchinoerabu-jima, where he was working on a book about volcanoes as part of a Creative Artists' Exchange Fellowship from the Japan-United States Friendship Commission. He was forty-one years old
venerdì 14 febbraio 2025
Hereafter Landscapes by Jody Azzouni
Go Figure (Wesleyan Poetry Series) by Rae Armantrout
Keen, pithy meditations on a world that continues to surprise us
giovedì 13 febbraio 2025
Talking (American Literature) by David Antin
-- Talking bridges the stylistic gap between David Antin's early experimental poems and the talk pieces for which he is most well-known. Combining one poem with two improvisations and his first published talk-poem, Talking is a unique book that cannot be classified as solely poetry, fiction or criticism. Infusing the lyricism of poetry with the compelling pull of the spoken voice, this collection is a testament to David Antin's reputation as one of the most influential artists of the contemporary era
mercoledì 12 febbraio 2025
Blood Sugar by Nicole Blackman
Poetry. BLOOD SUGAR is a disturbing and evocative collection of new work and selected poems previously featured in Blackman's popular chapbooks Pretty, Sweet, and Nice. It is futile to resist her brutal accounts of obsession and beauty. So give in. "Blackman's spoken-word vignettes conjure up bleak, dangerous, death-haunted plots with matter-of-fact detail...Blackman has her own gift for tersely poetic aphorism--and a gift for turning nightmares into revelations"--New York Times. "[Blackman's] apocalyptic, spoken-word electrolysis...is a biting diagnosis of modern society"-Rolling Stone. "Beautiful, hypnotic...violence and sex intermingle and all pleasures are suspect"--Entertainment Weekly. "Sassy. Direct. Contemporary. Often merciless-impressive throughout"--Gwendolyn Brooks. "All girls are born with wings./They never tell you these things"--from "Fifteen, She Learns."
And Still I Rise: A Book of Poems by Maya Angelou
martedì 11 febbraio 2025
Exceptions and Melancholies: Poems 1986-2006 by Ralph Angel
“He brings something ancient and compelling . . . a kind of rare Sephardic wisdom, a brilliance traveling at the speed of Los Angeles light. He is one of America’s very best poets. A true visionary.”—Tomaz Salamun
lunedì 10 febbraio 2025
Confluence by Ron Androla, Ann Androla (Editor), Kurt Nimmo (Contributor)
New and Selected Poems: 1956-1996 by Philip Appleman
With an astonishing command of nature imagery, from sparrows to mastodons, Philip Appleman can deftly weave into a single poem an intricate pattern of ideas drawn from evolution, humanism, anthropology, religious skepticism, and everyday experience. Appealing to reason as well as to emotion and imagination, he writes poems of lyrical intensity and remarkable narrative depth. He creates characters—Eve or Darwin or a failed priest—with such wit, compassion, and subtle humor that they live on the page and surprise us with new insights into joy and sorrow, life and death. Set on the beach at Malibu, in the port of Trieste, or in a Manhattan subway, his poems evoke genuine feeling with out sentimentality and transform the personal into the universal.
domenica 9 febbraio 2025
Factura by Bruce Andrews
Geometry of the Restless Herd by Sophie Cabot Black
In Geometry of the Restless Herd, Sophie Cabot Black stages a powerful allegory for the social and political realities of our human world. Through hauntingly metaphysical poems set within a sheepherder’s domain, Black conjures fields of harvest and resurrection, of wagers and outcomes—animals to keep, and those destined for slaughter. Here, both singular voices and polyvocal choruses argue through discourse, asking who has the real power, and how are we to survive the violence we do to each other?
Black’s scenes are at once oneiric and raw: a squeaking gate wails against neglect; a field receives a runt body; a raccoon flees with egg dripping from its mouth—all while lush rains and long winters quiet the dead. Navigating both confining pens and wide-open spaces, these poems ask startlingly immediate questions about captivity and freedom, protection and exploitation, confronting the predicaments of late capitalism: industries of infinite regress, technologies that exceed us, and a soul stranded somewhere between expectation and redemption. Ultimately, these stark pastorals paint a moving portrait of life: as utterly inseparable from the world it inhabits
Fate Fogli di Poesia, Poeti! Links
- Associazione Culturale Macarìa
- Associazione Sentiero dei Sogni (progetto ideato da Pietro Berra)
- Caffè Letterario - Lecce
- Compagnia Teatrale Scena Muta di Ivan Raganato
- Comune di Caprarica di Lecce
- Donato Di Poce
- Fondo Verri di Lecce
- Gisella Blanco
- I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno
- il non SENSOVERSO di Francesco Pasca
- La Biennale di Poesia di Alessandria
- La Casa della Poesia di Como
- NavigliPoetrySlam di Annelisa Addolorato
- Ottavio Rossani
- puntoacapo Editrice
- rivista Utsanga diretta da Francesco Aprile e Cristiano Caggiula
- ScriverePoesia Edizioni
- Vittorino Curci
Cosa fa il collettivo/connettivo Fate Fogli di Poesia, Poeti!
I componenti del Connettivo Fate Fogli di Poesia, Poeti!
Human Hours: Poems by Catherine Barnett
Winner of the Believer Book Award The triumphant follow-up collection to The Game of Boxes , winner of the James Laughlin Award Catheri...

The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry gathers one hundred poems written between 1957 and 1996. Chosen by the author, these pieces have been...
✨ A Love That Transcends Time : A poetic journey capturing the beauty of a relationship with ups and downs over the years. 💖 Heartfelt an...
EUROPA IN VERSI FESTIVAL INTERNAZIONALE DI POESIA 2024 - “POESIA IN MOVIMENTO: UN PONTE TRA CULTURE”Corea del Sud e Messico i Paesi al centro di incontri e performance per esplorare le nuove forme di poesia contemporanea, aprire nuovi dialo...