Connettivo per la promozione della Poesia in azione ideale con il manifesto di Antonio Leonardo Verri
Connettivo per la promozione della Poesia in azione ideale con il manifesto di Antonio Leonardo Verri
lunedì 30 dicembre 2024
Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass by Lana Del Rey
domenica 29 dicembre 2024
I Praise My Destroyer: Poems by Diane Ackerman
Japanese Death Poems: Written by Zen Monks and Haiku Poets on the Verge of Death by Yoel Hoffmann (Compiler)
"A wonderful introduction the Japanese tradition of jisei, this volume is crammed with exquisite, spontaneous verse and pithy, often hilarious, descriptions of the eccentric and committed monastics who wrote the poems." —Tricycle: The Buddhist Review
sabato 28 dicembre 2024
Northerners (New Issues Poetry & Prose) by Seth Abramson
Undone: A Collection of Poetry by Aaryn K. Coley (Author), Kari Coley (Editor), Christopher Coley (Illustrator)
Undone is a dynamic collection of poetry by Aaryn K. Coley that explores an eclectic mix of styles and topics - from the importance of individuality and positive contribution to society, to the beauty of love, the pain of heartache, and an introspective view of abuse, to the perils and possibilities for the future of the world.
It is a diary - this poet's personal account of some of the most vulnerable and impactful moments in the lifelong process of growing into oneself.
In this book, readers are granted passage on a journey through the mind, heart, and soul of a poet as she chronicles her own humanity, with the hope of leaving those who encounter these words inspired and better off having read them
venerdì 27 dicembre 2024
The Old Pothead Poems by Sam Abrams
Poems too of a classicist, on familiar terms with Sappho, Archilochus, Horace, Socrates regulars in the audience along with Miles, Billy, Bessie, Woody hard listeners for poems that are bluesy, bopsy, beat. Whitmanesque, funny, generous, passionately committed, intellectually rigorous, sometimes savage poems from Brooklyn, America, Greece, London? in-your-face poems. And always poems composed not in the head, but ?on the breath.? Poems that can only?the author insists? be read aloud
Self Love Poetry: For Thinkers & Feelers by Melody Godfred
giovedì 26 dicembre 2024
Cicadas Serenade by Antonio Eramo
mercoledì 25 dicembre 2024
The Buddhist Poetry of the Great Kamo Priestess: Daisaiin Senshi and Hosshin Wakashu (Michigan Monograph Series in Japanese Studies) by Edward Kamens
Senshi was born in 964 and died in 1035, in the Heian period of Japanese history (794–1185). Most of the poems discussed here are what may loosely be called Buddhist poems, since they deal with Buddhist scriptures, practices, and ideas. For this reason, most of them have been treated as examples of a category or subgenre of waka called Shakkyoka, “Buddhist poems.”
martedì 24 dicembre 2024
From Song to Book: The Poetics of Writing in Old French Lyric and Lyrical Narrative Poetry by Sylvia Huot
As the visual representation of an essentially oral text, Sylvia Huot points out, the medieval illuminated manuscript has a theatrical, performative quality. She perceives the tension between implied oral performance and real visual artifact as a fundamental aspect of thirteenth- and fourteenth-century poetics. In this generously illustrated volume, Huot examines manuscript texts both from the performance-oriented lyric tradition of chanson courtoise, or courtly love lyric, and from the self-consciously literary tradition of Old French narrative poetry. She demonstrates that the evolution of the lyrical romance and dit, narrative poems which incorporate thematic and rhetorical elements of the lyric, was responsible for a progressive redefinition of lyric poetry as a written medium and the emergence of an explicitly written literary tradition uniting lyric and narrative poetics.
Huot first investigates the nature of the vernacular book in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, analyzing organization, page layout, rubrication, and illumination in a series of manuscripts. She then describes the relationship between poetics and manuscript format in specific texts, including works by widely read medieval authors such as Guillaume de Lorris, Jean de Meun, and Guillaume de Machaut, as well as by lesser-known writers including Nicole de Margival and Watriquet de Couvin. Huot focuses on the writers' characteristic modifications of lyric poetics; their use of writing and performance as theme; their treatment of the poet as singer or writer; and of the lady as implied reader or listener; and the ways in which these features of the text were elaborated by scribes and illuminators. Her readings reveal how medieval poets and book-makers conceived their common project, and how they distinguished their respective roles
lunedì 23 dicembre 2024
The Book of Nature: Wordsworth's Poetry on Nature by William Wordsworth
The Book of Nature - Wordsworth's Poetry on Nature is a sublime collection of the best nature poetry by poet-laureate William Wordsworth, housed in a convenient pocket-sized edition.
Along with many other Romantic poets of the time, the theme of nature features heavily in the work of Wordsworth - to him, it represented a living thing, a sublime teacher-god that contained all beauty and divine truth. Wordsworth expresses his view on the natural world through the poetry in this charming collection while articulating his relationship with nature and its essential connection with human beings.
Carefully curated by Read & Co. Books, this collection of twenty-one poems also features an introductory excerpt on William Wordsworth by Thomas Carlyle from his 1881 work Reminiscences. The perfect gift for poetry readers and nature lovers alike, this beautiful pocket edition is a wonderful book of posey for those who love reading on the go
domenica 22 dicembre 2024
The Kalevala: The Epic Poem Of Finland by Elias Lonnrot
The Kalevala is the great Finnish epic, which like the Iliad and the Odyssey, grew out of a rich oral tradition with prehistoric roots. During the first millennium of our era, speakers of Uralic languages (those outside the Indo-European group) who had settled in the Baltic region of Karelia, that straddles the border of eastern Finland and north-west Russia, developed an oral poetry that was to last into the nineteenth century. This poetry provided the basis of the Kalevala. It was assembled in the 1840s by the Finnish scholar Elias Lönnrot, who took `dictation' from the performance of a folk singer, in much the same way as our great collections from the past, from Homeric poems to medieval songs and epics, have probably been set down. Published in 1849, it played a central role in the march towards Finnish independence and inspired some of Sibelius's greatest works
Selected Poems by Walt Whitman
sabato 21 dicembre 2024
The Why of Waterfalls: A Collection of Poetry by James Clayton Fredenburg
venerdì 20 dicembre 2024
The Wonder of Small Things: Poems of Peace and Renewal by James Crews , and Nikita Gill (Foreword)
USA Today Bestseller!
Fate Fogli di Poesia, Poeti! Links
- Associazione Culturale Macarìa
- Associazione Sentiero dei Sogni (progetto ideato da Pietro Berra)
- Caffè Letterario - Lecce
- Compagnia Teatrale Scena Muta di Ivan Raganato
- Comune di Caprarica di Lecce
- Donato Di Poce
- Fondo Verri di Lecce
- Gisella Blanco
- I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno
- il non SENSOVERSO di Francesco Pasca
- La Biennale di Poesia di Alessandria
- La Casa della Poesia di Como
- NavigliPoetrySlam di Annelisa Addolorato
- Ottavio Rossani
- puntoacapo Editrice
- rivista Utsanga diretta da Francesco Aprile e Cristiano Caggiula
- ScriverePoesia Edizioni
- Vittorino Curci
Cosa fa il collettivo/connettivo Fate Fogli di Poesia, Poeti!
I componenti del Connettivo Fate Fogli di Poesia, Poeti!
What To Say To Death by Ron Androla
"From the not so lofty perch of middle age, Androla sees in all directions: the blue smoke of days gone by, the gray & golden now...
EUROPA IN VERSI FESTIVAL INTERNAZIONALE DI POESIA 2024 - “POESIA IN MOVIMENTO: UN PONTE TRA CULTURE”Corea del Sud e Messico i Paesi al centro di incontri e performance per esplorare le nuove forme di poesia contemporanea, aprire nuovi dialo...
The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry gathers one hundred poems written between 1957 and 1996. Chosen by the author, these pieces have been...
LECCE - Domenica 19 maggio, alle ore 20.00, al Fondo Verri, in via Santa Maria del Paradiso, 8 a Lecce, l’Ensemble Fondo Verri presenta “Fat...