Fate Fogli di Poesia, Poeti!

Connettivo per la promozione della Poesia in azione ideale con il manifesto di Antonio Leonardo Verri

Fate Fogli di Poesia, Poeti! Stats


iQdB casa editrice - I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno

iQdB casa editrice - I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno
Distribuzione libri ultime novità dell'editore


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venerdì 14 marzo 2025

Most anticipated 2025 book releases: Emily Henry, new 'Hunger Games'

Most anticipated 2025 book releases: Emily Henry, new 'Hunger Games'

A CELLINO SAN MARCO (BRINDISI) OGGI un incontro alla scoperta dello haiku, la poesia più breve al mondo Incontro con Diego Martina

 Venerdì 14 marzo ore 17:30 presso la Biblioteca Comunale in Piazza Aldo Moro 6  a Cellino San Marco (BR). Saluti istituzionali: Marco Marra Sindaco di Cellino San Marco. Introduce: Giada Occhibianco (Assessore del Comune di Cellino San Marco). Dialoga con l'autore: Annibale Gagliani (Giornalista Corriere della Sera e Treccani)

Tutto pronto per Un incontro alla scoperta dello haiku, la poesia più breve al mondo l’incontro con Diego Martina, scrittore, yamatologo, e traduttore specializzato in letteratura giapponese. Ecco l’evento organizzato da Il Comune di Cellino San Marco e la Biblioteca Comunale di Cellino San Marco previsto per venerdì 14 marzo ore 17:30 presso la Biblioteca Comunale in Piazza Aldo Moro 6  a Cellino San Marco (BR). Sono previsti i saluti istituzionali di Marco Marra Sindaco di Cellino San Marco, e l’introduzione di Giada Occhibianco (Assessore del Comune di Cellino San Marco). Il dialogo con l'autore è affidato ad Annibale Gagliani (Giornalista Corriere della Sera e Treccani)

Brevità, profondità e bellezza: sono solo alcune delle caratteristiche che hanno reso lo haiku celebre in tutto il mondo, trasformandolo negli ultimi anni in un movimento letterario di portata internazionale. Diego Martina, scrittore, yamatologo e traduttore di letteratura giapponese, ci guiderà in un viaggio alla scoperta di questa forma poetica, esplorandone la storia, le tematiche e le peculiarità stilistiche. Durante l’incontro, verranno letti e commentati componimenti tratti dalle opere di due autori giapponesi: “Il viaggio degli haiku” di Hirakawa Hō e “Chiodi battuti” di Akano Yotsuba ( I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno)

Diego Martina vi accompagnerà in un'immersione nel mondo degli Haiku, attraverso la lettura e il commento di alcune poesie in lingua originale e in traduzione italiana.



Info link I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno




mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

e.e. cummings

The White Boy Shuffle by Paul Beatty

 Paul Beatty, on the basis of two slim collections of poetry - Big Bank Take Little Bank and Joker, Joker, Deuce - has been called "a West Coast word wizard" and the "poet laureate of Generation X."

The White Boy Shuffle is a moving, deft satire on issues of race as well as the tale of the coming of age of Gunnar Kaufman, a contemporary African American who is in no way typical. Unequivocally and without apology, Gunnar states that he is not the seventh son of a seventh son of a seventh son. Indeed, he wishes he were, but fate has shorted him by six brothers and three uncles, cruelly cheating him out of his mythological inheritance. And thus, unforgettably, begins the story of Gunnar's rocky expedition to manhood.
With his unparalleled ability to recreate the rhythms of everyday speech, to cut, mix, and recombine language in order to evoke a whole new world of experience, Paul Beatty here establishes himself as one of the most original and inventive writers of our time. A combination of literary and street, at once intimate and breathtakingly expansive, The White Boy Shuffle is a multicultural, multigenerational epic that is exuberant, engaging, and in the moment

martedì 11 marzo 2025

Manifestation Wolverine: The Collected Poetry of Ray Young Bear by Ray Young Bear

 The American Book Award–winning collection from “The best poet in Indian Country” (Sherman Alexie, New York Times–bestselling author of The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven).

Hailed by the Bloomsbury Review as “the nation’s foremost contemporary Native American poet” and by Sherman Alexie as “the best poet in Indian Country,” Ray Young Bear draws on ancient Meskwaki tradition and modern popular culture to create poems that provoke, astound, and heal.
This indispensable volume, which contains three previously published collections—Winter of the Salamander (1979), The Invisible Musician (1990), and The Rock Island Hiking Club (2001)—as well as Manifestation Wolverine, a brilliant series of new pieces inspired by animistic beliefs, a Lazy-Boy recliner, and the word songs Young Bear sang to his children, is a testament to the singularity of the poet’s talent and the astonishing range of his voice

"Supermarket in California" by Allen Ginsberg (read by Tom O'Bedlam)

lunedì 10 marzo 2025

Indigo by Ellen Bass

"Bass’s work―about marriage and parenting, illness and recovery, small daily pleasures―cultivates an exuberance that’s born of, and balanced by, close watchfulness." ―The New York Times
“A bold and passionate new collection… Intimacy is rarely conveyed as gracefully as in Bass’s lustrous poems.” ―Booklist
Indigo, the newest collection by Ellen Bass, merges elegy and praise poem in an exploration of life’s complexities. Whether her subject is oysters, high heels, a pork chop, a beloved dog, or a wife’s return to health, Bass pulls us in with exquisite immediacy. Her lush and precisely observed descriptions allow us to feel the sheer primal pleasure of being alive in our own “succulent skin,” the pleasure of the gifts of hunger, desire, touch. In this book, joy meets regret, devotion meets dependence, and most importantly, the poet so in love with life and living begins to look for the point where the price of aging overwhelms the rewards of staying alive. Bass is relentless in her advocacy for the little pleasures all around her. Her gaze is both expansive and hyperfocused, celebrating (and eulogizing) each gift as it is given and taken, while also taking stock of the larger arc. She draws the lines between generations, both remembering her parents’ lives and deaths and watching her own children grow into the space that she will leave behind. Indigo shows us the beauty of this cycle, while also documenting the deeply human urge to resist change and hang on to the life we have, even as it attempts to slip away

Def Poetry Jam - Saul Williams (Coded Language)

domenica 9 marzo 2025

Human Hours: Poems by Catherine Barnett

 Winner of the Believer Book Award

The triumphant follow-up collection to The Game of Boxes, winner of the James Laughlin Award

Catherine Barnett’s tragicomic third collection, Human Hours, shuttles between a Whitmanian embrace of others and a kind of rapacious solitude. Barnett speaks from the middle of hope and confusion, carrying philosophy into the everyday. Watching a son become a young man, a father become a restless beloved shell, and a country betray its democratic ideals, the speakers try to make sense of such departures. Four lyric essays investigate the essential urge and appeal of questions that are “accursed,” that are limited―and unanswered―by answers. What are we to do with the endangered human hours that remain to us? Across the leaps and swerves of this collection, the fevered mind tries to slow―or at least measure―time with quiet bravura: by counting a lover’s breaths; by remembering a father’s space-age watch; by envisioning the apocalyptic future while bedding down on a hard, cold floor, head resting on a dictionary. Human Hours pulses with the absurd, with humor that accompanies the precariousness of the human condition

sabato 8 marzo 2025

Billy Collins - Consolation

Ends of the Earth: Collected Poems of Charles Bane Jr.

 Charles Bane, Jr. is a poet of humanism and its ideality. He embraces love, beauty, and kindness in his work. As a nominee for State Poet Laureate of Florida, he has carefully selected the poems he feels are worthy of publication as a full collected edition. This book includes The Chapbook, originally published by Curbside Splendor, and Love Poems published by Aldrich Books. It also brings fresh poems to the reader, including Masai poems that have only recently been published.

Charles Bane, Jr.'s anticipated collection captures the spirit of being-in-the-world.

Charles Bane, Jr. is the American author of The Chapbook (Curbside Splendor), Love Poems (Aldrich Press), and Three Seasons: Writing Donald Hall (Collection of Houghton Library, Harvard University). He created and contributes to The Meaning Of Poetry series for The Gutenberg Project, and is a current nominee as Poet Laureate of Florida. http: //charlesbanejr.com

venerdì 7 marzo 2025

March Book (Grove Press Poetry) by Jesse Ball

March Book is a wonder and a revelation. A shockingly assured first collection from young poet Jesse Ball, its elegant lines and penetrating voice present a poetic symphony instead of a simple succession of individual, barely-linked poems. Craftsmanship defines this collection; it is full of perfect line-breaks, tenderly selected words, and inventive pairings. Just as impressive is the breadth and ingenuity of its recurring themes, which crescendo as Ball leads us through his fantastic world, quietly opening doors.

In five separate sections we meet beekeepers and parsons, a young woman named Anna in a thin, linen dress and an old scribe transferring the eponymous March Book. We witness a Willy Loman-esque worker who "ran out in the noon street / shirt sleeves rolled, and hurried after / that which might have passed" only to be told that there's nothing between him and "the suddenness of age." While these images achingly inform us of our delicate place in the physical world, others remind us why we still yearn to awake in it every day and "make pillows with the down / of stolen geese," "build / rooms in terms of the hours of the day." Like a patient Virgil, insistent and confident, Ball escorts us through his mind, and we're lucky to follow

Billy Collins - Litany

giovedì 6 marzo 2025

No Enemies: Poems by Jimmy Santiago Baca

"Acclaimed poet Jimmy Santiago Baca knows something is wrong with contemporary society. He's afraid "that the whole network / that connects us / and society together / is going to collapse / that our lives / will be dependent on tiny / little blue wires / that can't shake my hand / or share my joy, / that won't challenge the police / to stop beating a brown man / or can't do even something as small / and gentle as smile." In this collection of new poems, Baca expresses his sense of responsibility to use his gift for the greater good. "If not me, then who / speaks to money, power, privilege / if not / an ordinary man / then who?" He chastises those who use their connections to benefit themselves at the expense of the impoverished, imprisoned and undocumented. Frequently, he takes aim at poets and politicians who put their lucrative positions ahead of their constituents: "Governor, if you choose a career / where you have to ignore the truth / and pillage the unfortunate, at least / outlaw automatic weapons." While many of these poems are stinging rebukes against the wealthy and powerful and their disregard for children living in poverty and the environment, others are beautiful odes to his indigenous roots. There are buffalo with their gentle hearts, sacred places where he prays to his ancestors and the plants growing on steep mountainsides that give "me courage to keep clinging to hope and to learn / life's most important lesson / practice how to lean in life so as not to fall." Baca writes urgently about the most important themes of our generation, including education, justice, the environment and even the coronavirus. Ironically, he notes, "the enemy didn't come at us crossing borders, / swinging machetes and machine guns." No, nature herself has come to clean house, to give "Mother Earth a reprieve from our greed."--

Cosa fa il collettivo/connettivo Fate Fogli di Poesia, Poeti!

Il Fondo Verri di Lecce, I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno, La Casa della Poesia di Como, costituiscono il collettivo/ connettivo per la ricerca, promozione e diffusione della poesia nazionale e internazionale FATE FOGLI DI POESIA, POETI! In azione ideale con il manifesto di Antonio Leonardo Verri Il connettivo per la ricerca, promozione e diffusione della poesia nazionale e internazionale FATE FOGLI DI POESIA, POETI! è aperto all'inclusione su espresso desiderio e comunicazione dei richiedenti, di fondazioni, associazioni, aziende, enti pubblici e privati, attori sociali di ogni ordine e grado)

I componenti del Connettivo Fate Fogli di Poesia, Poeti!

Casa della Poesia di Como, Fondo Verri di Lecce, I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno, Comune di Caprarica di Lecce, Associazione Sentiero dei Sogni, Compagnia Teatrale Scena Muta di Ivan Raganato, Associazione Culturale Macarìa, Gisella Blanco, ScriverePoesia Edizioni, Samuele Editore, Caffè Letterario - Lecce, puntoacapo Editrice, Ottavio Rossani, la rivista Utsanga diretta da Francesco Aprile e Cristiano Caggiula, Donato Di Poce, La Biennale di Poesia di Alessandria, NavigliPoetrySlam di Annelisa Addolorato, Vittorino Curci, Francesco Pasca, Marcello Buttazzo, Giuseppe Zilli, Alessio Arena, Alessandra Paradisi

Charles Bukowski "Bluebird."